To simulate camera movement (parallax) I created more than ten layers of overlapping illustrations of the environment and the jukebox. Lights on, lights off, design elements, moving parts of the jukebox, etc... The next part were visual elements, funny mini illustrations, which Studio BrainZ then brought to life with flash animation. All this was then fitted by the skilful creators with interactivity into a functional unified whole. Below you can watch the making of, where you can see how I proceeded in the realization of the visual. Then you can see a more general video from the agency summarizing the realities of the project in terms of music production, advertising strategy and traffic effectiveness. It was a fun job where I initially had a very free hand in the design and execution. In the final stages, the agency and I parted ways a bit on the final colour scheme and placement of small elements like tourist signage etc. Otherwise it was a charming job and a nice creative affair.