One of the film locations was, for example, in the location of the giant municipal landfill in Ostrava - Hrušov, where 200 tons of waste end up every day. We had a regular filming session in the middle of the giant landfill right in the middle of the operation. There were many humorous situations when, for example, the "landscape" was waving with every passage of garbage trucks. There was 30 metres of waste under our feet. The garbage men's eyes nearly popped out of their sockets when they saw a young "couple in love" of actors laying out a picnic blanket amidst the rotting garbage. The filming participants also had the unique opportunity to play golf in the middle of the dump, hitting garbage instead of balls.When creating matte paints I used a rich database of photographs. In the case of the landfill, it is the scenery of the Gjere Mountains, which I documented during my visit to Albania.