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An animated video transporting the viewer into a world of surreal fantasy and my first experience with working on a music video - 2005


  • Universal Music


  • 3Desade


  • Pavel Sadílek
    Director / 3D animator

  • Jan Brukner
    3D Artist / Designer

What I Did

  • Concept Art

  • 3D Design

  • 3D Matte Painting



In 2005, I met Pavel Sadílek, who approached me to create a jingle for Czech Television. At the same time, the opportunity to collaborate on an animated production for Lenka Dusilová came up. It was a great challenge and my first ever experience with working on a music video.

<< Photography from filmming / Pavel Sadílek 2005 / Pokrok Studio /--------/ Design of Giraffe snails / Jan Brukner 2005 >>


In addition to the "rainbow kitsch snail kingdom" environment, I also worked on creating dark "wasteland" scenes to emphasise the contrast of the two worlds. The world of fantasy and the world of lost dreams. I used a combination of 3D graphics and digital painting for the realisation.


The main focus of this project for me was the conception and realisation of the fantasy figures of giraffe snails (inspired by Salvador Dali) and their fantasy world.

Director : Pavel Sadílek 2005 /

idea maker
visual  artist
creative director

Contact me

  • CELL : +420 721235897
  • MAIL : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

    Prague / Czech Republic
    Central Europe

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