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The fantasy horror film that transports you to the dark times of an alternative medieval era. Directed by Dominic Sena, VFX Postproduction by UPP.


  • Relativity media
    Atlas Entertainment


  • Dominic Sena
    Director of movie


  • Universal Production Partners (UPP)


  • Viktor Müller
    visual effects supervisor

  • Ales Novak
    matte painter

  • Vit Sedlacek
    digital compositor / matchmove artist

  • Jan Brukner
    senior cgi artist / 3D Matte painter

What I Did

  • Digital retouching

  • 3D Matte painting


Fantasy of the era
witches and Darkness 
obscuring thought...

SEASON OF THE WITCH was the last film project I worked on at the UPP post-production studio for about six months as a senior cgi artist in postproduction phase.


In the post-production phase of the film, I worked again on the realization of digital surfaces and finishing the scenes. Starting with painting the textures of fantasy characters through buildings and environments.

One of the challenging locations (and the last shot I worked on) was a castle scene with a moat, but which was actually without water. This shot was very bizarrely shot with two panning cameras, with the intention of composing a widescreen panorama. My job was to place CGI water here and use 3D projection to reconstruct the reflections of the environment (e.g. a knight crossing a bridge, walls, etc.).

Relativity media / Atlas Entertainment // POSTPRODUCTION CREDITS : UPP.  Vít Sedláček (2D Compositor) / Aleš Novák (Digital Matte painter) / and more talented artists from UPP. What i did (Jan Brukner / Digital artist ) : 3D retouching of the castle moat + creating digital water

Last coworking in UPP

I didn't participate in the post-production of the film anymore because I decided to leave UPP after 2 years of collaboration. Perhaps the genre of the film helped me to make this decision, as the horror concept of the demon character was not exactly my cup of tea. Working at UPP was otherwise a very interesting school for me, which allowed me to gain experience working on big Hollywood type film projects and I got to know a number of very skilled filmmakers.

It was then that I started working on another project and started in the field of stereoscopic 3D films.

preconcept design of "plague dogs" for compositing department / Jan Brukner (senior cgi artist)

idea maker
visual  artist
creative director

Contact me

  • CELL : +420 721235897
  • MAIL : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

    Prague / Czech Republic
    Central Europe

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