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The European Capital
of Culture 2015

Open your own Pilsen paradise and visit its region...


  • Plzeň 2015 o.p.s.

  • European Capital of Culture

Agency / Studio

  • Hausgemacht
    - key visual / jingle

  • Brainz - online app


  • Petr Hanousek
    Creative Director / Copywritter / idea

  • Jan Brukner
    Art Director / Visual artist / Motion Designer 

What I Did

  • (co)ideamaking

  • Concept design

  • Key Visual

  • Motion design clip / jingle

  • Illustrations


your Pilsen paradise!
Pilsen is not just beer...

The city of PLZEN is famous for its traditional beer industry. People abroad often perceive Pilsen only as a beer brand and have no idea that it is also the eponymous city in the Czech Republic.

Creative director Petr Hanousek approached me with the idea of realizing a motif that would literally cut through the experienced perception of the city. "Pilsen is not just beer", "Open up Pilsen", "Open up your Pilsen paradise !" the idea of a didactic cut with a pint of beer was on the table and displaying other overlooked treasures of the beautiful city.
As part of the ECOC 2015 (European Capital of Culture) promotional campaign, I worked on the realization of the key visual, an animated jingle and several illustrations with the theme of the Czech city of PLZEN. It was a very interesting and creative collaboration.


How did the whole project come about?
Previews of the concepts, preparations and designs and the story...



In close cooperation with the implementation team of Plzeň 2015, o.p.s. and under the creative direction of Petr Hanousek, we started the development. The content of the visual changed and expanded over time. The aim was to best capture the main thematic areas of the city - architecture, culture and art, industry, sport, personalities and natives of Pilsen. All of this was connected by the element of a giant beer pint into one big fantasy diorama. From the idea of the cut, we moved in the first stage of development to the motif of a beer glass opened in the manner of a book that tells its stories


I chose a classic Czech pressed glass pint glass with typical round "sponge" mouldings, which correspond with the Pilsen 2015 logo. I was inspired by the design, which was designed in 1972 by ac. sculptor. The beer pints designed by Jiří Brabec (1933-2005) from 1972 to 1981 were still widely used in Czechoslovak pubs in the 1990s. In and around the pint itself there are a number of motifs and symbols that took many hours of studying the realities, photographs of places and the relationships between them. You can see a full list of motifs in the picture legend below



Technologically, it was a combination of a number of techniques. Starting from classical concept drawing and design studies through digital painting, retouching, 3D cgi, advanced image montage. All elements are animatable for further possible uses. Originally I didn't intend to place characters in the visuals and stick to a more stylized form, but we've moved on from that as well. The development and implementation of the visual took about a month and a half.
Another small collaboration was the realization of "selfie windows" for digital postcards. Creating portrait selfies with a collage of Pilsen city motifs. This interactive part of the campaign was realized by Brainz studio. I also worked on the realization of separate illustrations of classic symbols of the city - the city emblem, the bell of St. Bartholomew, the Pilsen angel, to which one of the city's legends is connected.


The short animated jingle was also a derivative of the key visual. I used 3D motion design animation techniques to move the static scenes of the 3D visual. The short animation sequence introduces the cultural content and attractions of Pilsen 2015. From the Baroque architecture of Pilsen, to the beer festivals, to the new cultural centre DEPO 2015, which was born during the Pilsen title, it still hosts very interesting events and has become a natural industrial centre for culture and creativity.

Overall, it was a very interesting and creative collaboration and I am glad that I could participate in this project and contribute my bit to the promotion of Pilsen and the Czech Republic.

idea maker
visual  artist
creative director

Contact me

  • CELL : +420 721235897
  • MAIL : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

    Prague / Czech Republic
    Central Europe

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