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Animated jingle and studio design for the virtual conference of the American platform iConnections creating a community of investors.

CASE STUDY of the project by Creative production IDEA VISUALIZE <
Jan Brukner / Creative Producer


At the beginning of each project, we find three basic pillars on which to build a creative idea. Each of these pillars should best describe the identity, message and form of creative communication. Just as in geometry we need at least three points to fix a plane, we do the same for the basic IDEA VISUALIZATION.


The accompanying motif is a significant panorama of one of the largest investment centers in the world, the city of New York. We chose a panoramic view of the city from the Diamond District, near Rockefeller Center.


The venue is a virtual studio overlooking New York. The studio is inspired by classic industrial loft architecture and modern interior design combining organic elements.


An essential part of the development of the concept and visual concept of the jingle and the design of the virtual studio was the printing of the corporate identity of iConnections. Whether it was the colour palette or the distinctive logo representing the portal to the investment world.








  • Idea making / Creative concept

  • Creative Production

  • Motion Design

Lead Creative Crew

  • Jan Brukner
    Creative Director / idea maker / Designer

Connection through

at modern interior in New York...

The era of digitalization, virtualization and connectivity through dedicated networks is bringing new progressive platforms like iConnections to investment groups and innovators. For the virtual conference, we implemented a complete design in the form of an animated jingle and a modern virtual interior with a view of New York City.


New York City is a metropolis pulsating with life. The development of this city of progress and opportunity is still very dynamic, and this is certainly unmistakable in its vertical architecture, which dramatically influences the concept of metropolises in other parts of the world. But we wanted to move even further into the future. The organic architecture blending with the original industrial lofts we know so well from Hollywood films or the accommodation in the heart of the city were the inspiration for the design of the virtual studio.


The view of the city defines the space for a wide field of opportunities and clearly says we are in a metropolis, a center of trade and investment. The central view is dominated by the iconic Empire State Building with its distinctive art deco style, its verticals pointing to the sky. The sun what would be the carrier of activity, change and life gives birth to the logo. The connecting element of the circle that approaches the viewer becomes a portal to the next space. A platform for communicating investment opportunities through modern technology and communication tools. The interior of the virtual studio welcomes us with subtle lines that lead our gaze to the guide and the speaker. The virtual conference can begin.


The process of developing the jingle and interior design involved a number of steps and development phases, as well as an impasse where we fine-tuned the concept itself with respect to positioning with the global or local platform. The original concept of a series of stylized business metropolises from around the planet was replaced by the concept of a photorealistic New York and a virtual studio, which we completely realized through 3D graphics, animation, matte painting and visual effects. So once again we started with creative communication, continued with concept, design production until the final visual form of the "conference pack".


Our production included the realization of the jingle, animated environment and the complete realization of the virtual studio. We worked closely with SlidesLive, who provided film production with protagonists in New York and remote locations, and managed the entire virtual conference and live or pre-recorded streaming project.


The interior opens up to a generous view of the skyline with the breathtaking verticals of New York City. The interior design we proposed is a bridge between industrial concepts and organic architecture incorporating modern elements such as glowing linear lighting. An elliptical skylight that gives free rein to ideas and flight. An imperceptible furnishing that blends into the space and does not create visual obstructions. A white brick wall reminiscent of the site's industrial past. Exotic plants referring to different parts of the world, from Asia (Zen garden and bamboo plants) to exotic plants of tropical America (monstera plant), Africa and Oceania (palm trees). A place where there is space for nature and sustainability.

NEW YORK jingle

The intro jingle introduces the start of the virtual conference and communicates that this is a global event with its heart in New York City. For its realization, we chose the techniques of 3D animation, matte painting and visual effects. The camera moves forward steadily. The view of the city defines the space for a wide field of opportunities and clearly says we are in a metropolis, a center of commerce and investment. The central view is dominated by the iconic Empire State Building with its distinctive art deco style, its verticals pointing to the sky. The sun what would be the carrier of activity, change and life gives birth to the logo. The connecting element of the circle that approaches the viewer becomes a portal to the next space. A platform for communicating investment opportunities through modern technology and communication tools. The interior of the virtual studio welcomes us with subtle lines that lead our gaze to the guide and the speaker. The virtual conference can begin.

idea maker
visual  artist
creative director

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  • CELL : +420 721235897
  • MAIL : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

    Prague / Czech Republic
    Central Europe

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