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visual content


  • Plzeňský Prazdroj GAMBRINUS


  • TRIAD Advertising

What I Did

  • CGi - Creative retouching

  • Content visuals

  • Animations


  • Jan Brukner
    Digital Artist


The lion's paw and roar
Announcing the champions
On social media, get your claws out!

Czechia, Türkiye, Crotia and Spain

in football game

Because we did not have a oracle ball, it was not clear who would win or lose and advance in the football championship. So a series of reaction visuals were created to represent different situations. So that the Triad colleagues could react humorously and gloss over the situation on the football field while it was still "hot".


Each of the national teams of the different countries was styled in a "pub" way, according to well-known symbols that pop into our minds. Bull, Kebab, Sea urchin?


I was involved in the production as a digital creative retoucher. The main landmark and symbol of the Czech Republic was the lion's paw and its claws, which it is not afraid to use.

As part of the shoot, I handled supervision for the digital post-production and, keeping the fun of the situation in mind, got involved as one of the actors in the defocused background of the scene.


Turkish visuals were probably the most fun for me. Whether it's the victory display and the Turkish football team's stink in the form of Turkish honey. Or the stuffed kebab that a lion's mouth swallows like a raspberry or the Turkish man who just can't get enough of beer. I have to admit that the creativity of the triads scored.


The Croatian visuals appeared a bit more complex. In the end, during the photo production, I talked my colleagues out of filling the real fish tank and we replaced it with a digital one. The only question is what was the treasure from the plundered treasury pulled from the depths of the Adriatic Sea. I just have to watch out for the sea lions, they are tricky!


Olé. The lion will play the Spanish guitar only once. Strings like strings are plucked and then there's a bite of Spanish cordida. And how did it all turn out in this football? Good question. I'm sure the lion ate and the ball stayed in one piece.

idea maker
visual  artist
creative director

Contact me

  • CELL : +420 721235897
  • MAIL : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

    Prague / Czech Republic
    Central Europe

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